Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Personally, I think the banning of school costumes is rediculous just because one kid decided to dress up as Hitler. Besides, isn't Halloween supposed to be a scary time of year? And didn't Hitler put the fear into the world during the second world war? The costume goes with the holiday I think, otherwise they wouldn't even make a costume like that to sell on the market. The reason they banned costumes in school was even worse though saying that it disrupted the learning environment. In all honesty, somebody should be slapped for that. It seems they just keep taking more and more away from the students in schools, banning this and that. If they keep it up, no one is even gonna want to go to school because there will be nothing there. It will be a void. The only thing you will be able to do there is learn and breathe and that is it! Who wants to do that? And they wonder why the drop out rate is higher than ever and still increasing...

10 reasons I love Halloween:
1. Free candy!!
2. Eerie time of year..
3. Costume parties
4. toilet papering peoplez houses
5. egging peoplez houses
6. scaring people is too easy
7. Get to watch halloween specials on tv
8. all the scary movies come out and i love to watch scary movies
9. If halloween is on a friday like today, Its time for football!!
10. and most importantly,...its a holiday!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birth Day Coach Rhodes!!

Although I've hardly known coach Rhodes for a while, he seems to know every person in my family, even before I started as a freshman in high school. He coached my Aunt when she was in track and had my other aunt and my uncle in his class. He didn't have my mom in school, but he still remembers who she is and doesn't have any shame in stopping her in United and talking to her about all kinds of things. Coach Rhodes is an honest, decent man and he deserves the best in life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH RHODES!!

Friday, October 10, 2008


In America there was a mass murder. Policemen went to investigate. Trying not to tread on the bodies, the police took pictures of each one. One policemen saw something on the opposite wall but he couldn't read it. He walks over to it and sees the numbers "7734" in calculator form, written in blood. When taking pictures of this he turned his camera upside-down and told an approaching police officer. When he pointed with the hand that the camera was in, he accidentally took a picture of the upside-down numbers. The policeman was about to delete the picture when he realized something. The numbers were now a word. The word was "hELL.

submitted by Olivia

Check more chills n' trills out at --->

Friday, October 3, 2008


I hardly even notice its my birthday, thats how bad they usually are. I haven't had a party since i was probably in elementary and I spent most of my last birthday watching my grandfather dying in the hospital. My birthday is April 27, which is in spring also. I don't mean to be too pessimistic, but April is also spring time, and I have the worse allergies than anyone I know so I can hardly breathe in the spring, much less blow out candles...yay! Birthdays rock...