Friday, December 12, 2008

Room 101

If I was sent to face my fears in room 101, my worst fear would be someone forcing me to watch one of my own friends or family die before my eyes. That would be the most unbearable thing I think I could witness and to know I would have to sit there and watch my friend die without being able to help or intervene would rip me apart. In the end, I would be left broken and helpless just like Winston in 1984.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Once upon a Christmas, there was a grave mistake that almost ruined the whole day. It was caused not by Clause but by the reindeer they say. Not a creature was stirring, it was way too cold, but Santa didn't care, he was too bold. So he loaded up his sled and prepared to depart, but little did he know it might be his last night under the light of the stars. He rounded up the 9 reindeer and prepared to depart and gave them a mush prompting the start. The reindeer heaved and off they went in the cold night that was sure to be spent. Something caught Santa's eye though just before take off and it gave him a great chill, It was the doe Clarice in the path of the sled. The reindeer seized and slid to a stop, and poor santa went up with a flop. His hands were waving, his yell was fierce, but the reindeer didn't care, Clarice was FAIR!